On its way to India
On July 18 Bloch finally left Antofagasta, with a short stopover in San Vicente before leaving Chile and South America for good, heading first to Hong Kong and later to India, arriving in Nhava Sheva end of September.
Bloch in Bern

The initiators of Bloch, the Swiss artist duo Com & Com (Marcus Gossolt / Johannes M. Hedinger) are showing a selection of works from all phases of their 25 years art career as well as two completely newly developed groups of works at Gallery Bernhard Bischoff in Bern/Switzerland – among them of course also some material from the ongoing BLOCH project.
Next to a vitrine with material and emphemera from the last 11 years of the Bloch journey, there will be also the latest video summary from 2020 on view.
Bloch in Lockdown
Article in Urnäscher Nochrichte about Bloch’s lockdown in Chile and sneak preview to its next station in India. download
Bloch @ MUCEM
The FOLKLORE Exhibition from Centre Pompidou Metz travels to MUCEM in Marseille. Due to the COVID-pandemic the opening is postpones until further notice.
The exhibition was curated by Jean-Maire Gallais and Marie-Charlotte Calafat. Next to the Bloch Project one can find works by Brancusi, Beuys, Valentin Carron, Peter Fischli, Jimmie Durham, Vasarely, Pierre Huyghe, Mircea Cantor. Paul Gauguin, Kandinsky, Jeremy Deller, Marcel Broodthaers and many others. On show is sheduled until Feb 22, 2021. (indoor photos by: François Deladerrière)
Bloch at Critical Conditions Conference
Bloch will be part of the Conference: Critical Conditions: the mind of nature. A virtual human library exploring ecology through 20 candid conversations. Nov 28-29 2020.
Join the conversations by Ursula Biemann (CH), Leonardo Buergi (CH), Aura Chandrasekhar (IND), Richard Dias (IND), Fragmentin (CH), Johannes M. Hedinger (CH), Dr. Anil Joshi (IND), Kreativkonsum (CH), Vanessa Lorenzo (CH), Marcus Maeder (CH), Simrit Malhai (IND), Robin Meier (CH), Anne-Marie Meister (GER), Dr. Jasmine Pradissitto (UK), Extinction Rebellion, Pankaj Sekhsaria (IND), Dr. Vandana Shiva (IND), George Steinmann (CH), Amit Tida (IND), Ivan Vargas (COL).
Bloch @ Centre Pompidou
Finally we made it to the great survey exhibitions „FOLKLORE“ at Centre Pompidou Metz curated by Jean-Maire Gallais. Next to the Bloch Project one finds works by Brancusi, Beuys, Valentin Varron, Peter Fischli, Jimmie Durham, Vasarely, Pierre Huyghe, Mircea Cantor. Paul Gauguin, Kandinsky, Jeremy Deller, Marcel Broodthaers and many others.
On show until Oct 4, and it comes with a great Catalogue too.
New video compilation
Video compilation of Bloch’s journey to 15 places in 7 countries on 5 continents: Urnäsch – St.Gallen – Bern – Berlin – Basel – Karlsruhe – Shanghai – Teufen – North Dakota – Canada – Cincinnati – New York – Cape Town – Johannesburg – Antofagasta – San Pedro de Atacama (2011-2019)
Edited by Thomas Rickenmann for Centre Pompidou Metz (FOLKLORE, 20.3. – 21.9.2020)
New Bloch World Map
we edited a new world map showing all places bloch traveled and included also those venues where the project was presented in the almost last 10 years
Report from Chile
Article in the Urnäscher Nochrichte on Bloch’s adventures in Chiles in 2019. Download
Packing Bloch
Cleaning and packing up Bloch. Since we are leaving Antofagasta soon and the next station of Bloch is not confirmed we packed it and store it in a garage in Antofagasta waiting for its next adventure. Thank you SACO und ISLA for taking good care. ByeBye Bloch.